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A Long Overdue Update

Life has been busy - too busy - but here I am. Right now, I am 1400 kilometres from home as I head back to Sydney and 12 kilometres high. If I look to the right out of the window, I see the first of a series of huge salt lakes below in South Australia to the north-east. The picture is of Lake Gardiner. The view is spectacular, but I guess I have seen it quite a few times over the years, so instead, I am writing and finalising the refreshed website and this blog entry (and the next).

Good times!

Lake Gardiner, Soutrh Australia

After recently getting married and crossing the country several times for both family and work, I have begun wrapping up projects (or their next stages). This means that in the coming months, there will be multiple new releases. Notably, this will include: New United States of Vinland material The final Ossard book Ossard#7 Lae Ossard: Three Fates Red A return to Dragon Tide White#1: Burning Skies Blue#1: Burning Skies and probably even some unexpected surprises like Colin Raine's Thirteen Colonies first book, A Shadow In The Stars I know most people reading this are looking for new USV material. Well, brace yourself because here is some news. I've been working on and planning a release of short USV snippets that will dance along the timeline from 1000AD to 2000AD. These snippets will be sourced from longer vignettes. Handfuls of these vignettes, based in the same area and time, will be compiled for release into short collections (ten thousand words or around 35 pages. These collections will be released fortnightly starting later this year and (hopefully) will be reminiscent of the structure used by such amazing creators, such as Ray Bradnbury's Martian Chronicles and Isaac Asimov's first few Foundation novels. There will be fifty-five of them, and they will come out in a steady stream.

The USV Markland Settlement Series will also be completed with Odin's Hall and Markland Aflame, but that will only follow once the Ossard Series is finally wrapped up. I will have more in what will become monthly blog posts. The first will be on April 1. There I will cover in far more detail the USV shorts

Until then!


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